: Hotline (+62 812 3361 3388)

Symposium Schedule

Time Room A Room B Room C
07.00 - 08.00 Registration
08.00 – 09.30 Plenary
Neurological Guideline, Fellowship Program, Stroke Certification, and Advanced Stroke Treatment

  1. Guideline is not Fit for All: Adapting Global Guideline to Indonesian Context
  2. Fellowship and Subspecialist Program in Neurology: Current Position and Future Direction
  3. Comprehensive Stroke Center: Advanced in Treatment Save More Patients (Vietnam Experienced)
  4. WSO Stroke Certification: Strategic Possibility for Indonesian Stroke Care (WSO representative)
09.30 – 09.45 Opening Ceremony
09.45 – 10.00 Coffee break
10.00 – 11.15 Lunch Symposium 1
Anti-thrombotic and Bleeding complication in Acute Stroke

  1. Antithrombotic use in Critically ill Stroke Patients: Balancing benefit and risk of bleeding complication
  2. Preventing and Treating Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients who are Taking Anti-Platelet Agents, Role of VONOPRAZAN, the 1st Potassium-Competitive Acid Blocker (P-CAB)
  3. New Insignt in Stroke Treatment and Prevention: Role of Gut Microbiom
Lunch Symposium 2
Opening the Door:
Neuroprotection and Post Stroke Pain

  1. Not all ischemic stroke are similar: precision medicine, treating stroke by the subtype
  2. Opening The Door: Neuroprotectant after Recanalisation (Thrombolysis and Thrombectomy)
  3. Central Post Stroke Pain: Emerging Concept in Combination of Pregabalin and Citicoline
Lunch Symposium 3
Stroke Effect on Cognitive Function:
Treatment and Neurorestorative Approach

  1. Cognitive Restoration Program with Neurology Music Therapy
  2. Recent approaches of MLC901, a neurorestorative approach for Stroke Recovery
  3. Brain Stimulation in Post Stroke Cognitive Impairment: Which Modality is Best?
11.15 – 13.00 Prayer & lunch break
13.00 – 14.15 After Lunch Symposium 4
Very Hot Issues & Recent Guideline Neurovascular 2024

  1. Diagnosis and Management of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Recent Guideline 2024
  2. Intracerebral Hemorrhages: Evidence up to May 2024
  3. Sleep, Brain Health and Stroke: New Scientific Evidence and Recommendation 2024
After Lunch Symposium 5
Nutrition as One of The Keys to Stroke Outcome Optimization

  1. The Potency of Nutritional Problems in Stroke Patients: Dysphagia Screening and Diagnostic
  2. Optimalization of Post Stroke Nutrition and Other Modalities in Improving Stroke Recovery
  3. Recent Advances in Clinical Nutrition in Stroke Rehabilitation
After Lunch Symposium 6
An Atypical Stroke Presentation & Neuropathy

  1. Stroke Misdiagnosis and Atypical Presentation as Movement Disorders
  2. Neuropathies Before and After Stroke: The Effect on Improvement and Functional Status
  3. Stroke Misdiagnosis as Peripheral Vertigo, Disequilibrium and Vestibulopathy
14.15 – 15.30 Afternoon Symposium 7
Eye and Cortical Blindness

  1. Insight into Neuroophthalmological Manifestation in Myasthenia Gravis
  2. Unravelling the Abnormal Spontaneous Eye Movements
  3. Cortical Blindness: Diagnostic and Treatment
Afternoon Symposium 8
Neurointervention, Thrombectomy and Hot Issues Neurovascular

  1. Indonesia Neurointervention: beginning, current status, future direction
  2. The Importance of Measuring Blood Vessel Diameter and Troubleshooting during AIS Neurointerventional Procedure
  3. Stroke & Arterial Dissection: Recent Data and Scientific Statement 2024
Afternoon Symposium 9
Towards a better understanding of Indonesian Data

  1. Factors affecting delay in thrombolysis in Indonesia
  2. Correlation of Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio with Cognitive Function in Acute Ischemic Stroke
  3. Prevalence, Trajectory, and Predictors of Poststroke Pain
15.30 – 15.45 Coffee Afternoon
17.00 – 19.00 Break
19.00 – 21.00 Faculty Dinner
Understanding Zoster Beyond Disease Burden: Focus on Neurovascular Complications and Prevention

  1. Stroke and Neurovascular Relationship with Herpes Zoster: Beyond the Blisters
  2. Prevention of the Common Herpes Zoster Complications: Perspective of a Neurologist

Time Room A Room B Room C
07.00 – 08.00 Registration
08.00 – 09.15 Morning Symposium 10
Ethics and Law

  1. Ethic in Neurological Practice
  2. Essential Legal Aspects in Neurology Daily Practice
  3. Neurology Case Studies in The Field of Ethics and Law
Morning Symposium 11
Neuroimaging: from Vessel to Neuromuscular

  1. Neuroimaging of CSVD: Recent Guideline
  2. Symptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis: Treatment Algorithm from Recent Guidelines
  3. Neurosonology for Neuromuscular Disease
Morning Symposium 12
SAH and Neurointervention Point of View

  1. New Antiplatelet Agent in Neurointerventional Procedures: from stenting, stent assisted to Flow Diverter
  2. Coiling in Cerebral Aneurysm: Not All Coils Are Similar
  3. Shifting Trends in Aneurysm Treatment from Previous Surgery Candidates to Endovascular
09.15 – 09.30 Coffee Break
09.30 – 10.45 Pre-Lunch Symposium 13
Neuro-otology: Diagnosing from Vestibular Origin

  1. Vestibular Migraine: The Path to Relief
  2. The Higher is The Better: Symptomatic of Vertigo
  3. Vestibular Migraine of Childhood and Recurrent Vertigo of Childhood
Pre-Lunch Symposium 14
Hypertension and ESUS

  1. Managing Hypertension with Synergistic Fixed Dose Combination
  2. Stroke in Young Adult
  3. Management of Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Sources (ESUS)
Pre-Lunch Symposium 15
All about Cerebral Vascular Malformation

  1. Targeted Embolization of Unruptured Brain AVM: Indication and Which Patients had More Benefit?
  2. Cerebral Vascular Malformation, the Right Time and Right Hand: Squid vs Glue
  3. Embolization Brain AVM Management: Indonesian Experiences from High Referral Center
10.45 – 12.00 Lunch Symposium 16
Cerebrovascular Disease Insight: Beyond Stroke

  1. Is Refractory and Status Migraine a cerebrovascular disease? Medical and Potential Interventional Treatment
  2. Link of Stroke and Hemiplegic Migraine: New Update and Evidence
  3. Treatment for Migraine Prevention: Clinical Utility, and Patients Preference and Selection
Lunch Symposium 17
Antithrombotik and Beeding Related Anticoagulant

  1. The Efficacy and Safety of Oral Thrombolytics for Ischemic Stroke: Clinical Trial Outcomes
  2. Gastroprotection Against Antiplatelet Therapy in Ischemic Stroke Patients
  3. ICH Related Anticoagulant: Prevention and Treatment
Lunch Symposium 18
Neurovascular Cases and Seizure

  1. Predictor of Early Seizure in In Haemorrhagic Stroke
  2. Diagnosis and Treatment Post Stroke Epilepsy: Current Update
  3. Intractable Seizure in Acute & Hyperacute Stroke
12.00 – 13.00 Prayer & Lunch Break
13.00 – 14.15 After Lunch Symposium 19
Dyslipidemia and ICAD

  1. Management of Dyslipidemia for Stroke Prevention: Recent Update
  2. Recent Evidence: Stroke Due to Intracranial Atherosclerotic
  3. Beyond traditional risk factors: Occupational Risk factors of Stroke
After Lunch Symposium 20
Neuroprotection and Neurorepair in Stroke

  1. Neuroprotection and Neurorepair Updates
  2. Neuroprotectant Role in Post Stroke Cognitive Impairment
  3. Neuroprotective Intervention Beyond Medical Drug Administration in Acute Stroke: Cooling to Positioning
After Lunch Symposium 23
Diagnosis, Hyperacute and Neuroprotection

  1. Neuroprotective Effects of Methyl cobalamin in Cerebral Ischemia
  2. Patient Selection and Management of Complication: Art of Thrombolysis
  3. Acute Stroke Imaging (CT/MR): What do We need for Treatment Decision
14.15 – 15.30 Afternoon Symposium 21
Stroke, Web and Vessel Wall

  1. Web Vessel and Stroke: What Neurologist should know?
  2. The Role of Cobamamide in Lowering Homocysteine Level Associated Cerebrovascular Disease
  3. Vessel Wall Imaging: How to Differentiate Atherosclerotic, Vasculitis, Vasospasm
Afternoon Symposium 22
Quality Monitoring in Stroke

  1. Monitoring in Stroke: Indonesia Overview and Status
  2. Stroke Care Quality Monitoring Best Practice: 115 Hospital Vietnam
  3. Stroke Care Quality Monitoring
Afternoon Symposium 24
Beyond the Common Aterial Stroke

  1. Retinal Stroke: IV and IA Thrombolysis
  2. Spinal Cord Stroke: Diagnosis and Treatment
  3. Venous Stroke: How to Differentiate with Arterial Stroke from Clinical and Imaging?
15.30 – 15.45 Coffee Afternoon

08.00 – 09.30 Final NOCICEPTORES (3 Best Team)
09.30 – 09.45 Coffee break
09.45 – 11.00 Pre-Lunch Symposium 25
Technology Application and Neurovascular Disease

  1. Digital Technology and AI Application in Stroke Medicine: The Time has Come?
  2. Effective Communication: Professional and Medical Branding in Neurology through social media
11.00 – 12.00 Lunch Symposium 26
Stroke Unit and National Stroke Program

  1. Revisiting Stroke Unit in the era of reperfusion therapy: current status and evidence
  2. PERDOSNI and Indonesian National Stroke Program: current progress, target and future direction
12.00 – 13.00 Announcement Poster/Oral Presentation Winner & Closing
Announcement National and International PERDOSNI Scientific Meeting Agenda 2024 to 2026
13.00 Lunch
@2024 www.pinperdosni2024.com